Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lack of pep

Hoy recibi las sugerencias y quejas de mis estudiantes, algunos decian que soy "super buena profe", otros que no manejaba el tema, etc., pero lo que me sorprendio es que muchos pusieron "no motiva". ¿Que deberia hacer? Pep talk? Give me an E: E!! Give me an N: N!! Give me a G: G!!...EEENGLSHHH!!!!

For some reason I can't picture it. Would the 40 year old man like it if I told him, "you're doing so well, keep up the good work!!"? I guess I thought it would be demeaning.

...OK, they asked for it.


1 comment:

Monday's Child said...

hmmm... interesting... yeah you need to get peppy... I find that adult students are teh biggest babies... whip out the smiley face stickers and a jar of lollipops and they'll be putty in your hands... Maybe your korean students didn't need it... OR maybe you're naturally peppy with younger kids... EVERYONE needs to be told "you're doing so well, keep up the good work"... You shold look for a cheerleader's outfit in Cumabi hahahahahahhahahaahahahaahaa... I totally imagined that and now I can't stop giggling...